Linden Tree

Linden Tree
Linden tree

Friday, January 28, 2011

My Heart

Soft, warm hands, delicate. Tiny fingers resting gently, perfectly, in my palm. That old, tired cliche so true.... How fast time flies, how quickly you grow. Three. Are you sure? 

You're sure. "I can do it!" is your M.O.  You're learning you don't always have to follow your sister and her designs, you too can wield some power. Testing the waters, trying new tricks, pedaling away...coming back for a red popsicle.  Fierce and stubborn, gentle and tender. Already embedded in a strong, beautiful sisterly truce.

I want to scream, "Slow down! Don't grow!" But I can't. I am too excited to watch you unfold.

As you whisper, "I love you Mommy" in the dark, I am amazed at how small and big you are. 

I love you too, Mairi, I love you too.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Spirit of a Week

This week we...

dressed up in new costumes, set aside for a cabin fever day;

painted (hoof print pictures...and then the entire herd);

built a snowman for our local rabbit and birds to enjoy (yes, I know those are rather unfortunately placed turnips, what can I say? buttons?);

and corraled some veggetables.
We also ate two dozen chocolate beet muffins, discussed birthdays, birthday parties, and listed our family member's birthdays in chronological order (beginning of course with next week), and reminded Mathea that her birthday is indeed in June.  More posts on birthdays to come....

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Chronicling the Journey

So, the other day I said to Erica "Why don't you write a blog?"

And, well, here we are.

Seriously, though - I agreed that I would participate as well, and that our goal would be to share some facets of our life as a family - the decisions we're making, the priorities that we've set, and the successes (and most likely some failures) along the way. We've given a lot of our collective time and energy to learning, and following, a more responsible lifestyle the past few years - responsible to our children, our bodies, and the planet - and want to take the opportunity to share what we've learned. Not everyone will get everything, hopefully some of it will be interesting to all, and my guess is that many will just check in for wacky "your kids did what?!?" stories. If you laugh, that's great, and if you learn and choose to make some small changes in your life, all the better -- and we hope you'll leave comments to teach us a thing or two as well!  To paraphrase a friend of mine, the information "is free - and worth every penny!"

With that, wish us luck on this experiment!

JR (and Erica too!)